UI Health Care delivers value to Iowa’s communities

University of Iowa Health Care provided more than $358 million of value in community benefits in fiscal year 2021, serving 874,960 people—more than one-quarter of the state’s total population—in communities throughout the Hawkeye State.
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UI Health Care Marketing and Communications
University of Iowa Health Care provided $358,388,601 of value in community benefits serving 874,960 people in Iowa communities in FY21, according to the most recent annual assessment of community benefit program and services recently reported to the Iowa Hospital Association (IHA).
Community benefits are programs and services that address identified community health needs, regardless of source or availability of payment, and provide measurable improvement in health care access, health status, and the use of health care resources.
in value of staff time, in-kind services, and financial donations reported in community benefit programs and activities
people served by community benefit programs and activities (more than a quarter the total population of the state of Iowa)
A service counts as quantifiable community benefit if it addresses an identified community need and meets at least one of the following criteria:
Improves access to health care services
- Skin cancer screenings
- Free medical clinic
- First aid stations at community events
Enhances health of the community
- Food drives for local food pantries
- Bicycle safety programs
- Support groups open to community members
Advances medical or health knowledge
- Continuing medical education for community providers
- Job shadows
- Scholarships for health care careers
Relieves or reduces the burden of government or other community efforts
- Medication assistance center
- Lodging for discharged patients
- Transportation fees for patients